Friday, November 29, 2013

Be Grateful For The People In Your Life

By Pamela J. Wells

Be grateful for the people who are in your life, who love you and are there for you, who are supportive of you. Do not waste your thoughts, emotions, and energy on those who are absent in your life, such as an absent parent who never comes around. Be grateful for the parent who is there, in your life, a part of your life, the grandparent or grandparents who love you and are there for you. Maybe it is a friend who is supportive of you and who has always been there for you. Too often we take for granted those who are in our life and are not appreciative of them, because we are focused on the person who is absent, mourning them, longing for them. I am talking about people who are alive, but are absent for whatever reason. It doesn't really matter what the reason is. 

What you have to remember is that their absence has nothing to do with you. It has to do with them. You are whole and complete. You do not need another person to make you whole and complete. Any feelings of lack are not real. When you acknowledge that, you can then move on with Your Life. You are no longer stuck in the past or wishing for a better future, where that person is in your life. 

You sabotage your life by allowing your thoughts and emotions to be stuck on someone who you think you have to have in your life. There is no guarantee how long the people—who are in your life—who love and support you unconditionally—will be there. They may die of old age or something else, but don’t get stuck on that either. Just be grateful for them and show them your gratitude, love them, and be supportive of them. The more you focus on others, being there for them, helping them, volunteering your time, the better you will feel, the more joy you will feel—the more you focus on yourself and any feelings of lack and emptiness, the worse you will feel, the more you will suffer. 

Also, let go of the word “absent.” They are not really absent. You just cannot see them physically with your eyes. Just the word absent can stir up your emotions and feelings  of lack. 

Just remember:

You Are Whole and Complete As You Are.

Make a list of those who you are grateful for and 
anything else you are grateful for, such as your Good Health, this Beautiful Day:

I Am Grateful For __________________.
I Am Grateful For __________________.
I Am Grateful For __________________.

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved
Image Credit: 123RF

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