Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Peace & Joy

Peace and Joy can be felt when all expectations, perceived limitations and lack, have dissolved. 

You are already whole and complete. Nothing needs to be added. Nothing can be added to make you more whole and complete.

~ By Pamela J. Wells ~

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved
Image Credit: 123RF

Friday, November 29, 2013

Be Grateful For The People In Your Life

By Pamela J. Wells

Be grateful for the people who are in your life, who love you and are there for you, who are supportive of you. Do not waste your thoughts, emotions, and energy on those who are absent in your life, such as an absent parent who never comes around. Be grateful for the parent who is there, in your life, a part of your life, the grandparent or grandparents who love you and are there for you. Maybe it is a friend who is supportive of you and who has always been there for you. Too often we take for granted those who are in our life and are not appreciative of them, because we are focused on the person who is absent, mourning them, longing for them. I am talking about people who are alive, but are absent for whatever reason. It doesn't really matter what the reason is. 

What you have to remember is that their absence has nothing to do with you. It has to do with them. You are whole and complete. You do not need another person to make you whole and complete. Any feelings of lack are not real. When you acknowledge that, you can then move on with Your Life. You are no longer stuck in the past or wishing for a better future, where that person is in your life. 

You sabotage your life by allowing your thoughts and emotions to be stuck on someone who you think you have to have in your life. There is no guarantee how long the people—who are in your life—who love and support you unconditionally—will be there. They may die of old age or something else, but don’t get stuck on that either. Just be grateful for them and show them your gratitude, love them, and be supportive of them. The more you focus on others, being there for them, helping them, volunteering your time, the better you will feel, the more joy you will feel—the more you focus on yourself and any feelings of lack and emptiness, the worse you will feel, the more you will suffer. 

Also, let go of the word “absent.” They are not really absent. You just cannot see them physically with your eyes. Just the word absent can stir up your emotions and feelings  of lack. 

Just remember:

You Are Whole and Complete As You Are.

Make a list of those who you are grateful for and 
anything else you are grateful for, such as your Good Health, this Beautiful Day:

I Am Grateful For __________________.
I Am Grateful For __________________.
I Am Grateful For __________________.

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved
Image Credit: 123RF

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Light of My Being

Whole & Complete As I Am,

The Light of Awareness,

The Essence of Presence,

Love Permeates  My Being.

I Am Love,

I Give Love,

I Receive Love,

Freely & Openly.

The Light of My Being,

My Loving Presence,

Shines Through.

~ By Pamela J. Wells ~

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved
Image credit: 123RF

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Your True Nature

Image: Picking wildflowers by Jonathan Phillips

When you live your life from awareness and not from your personal identity (ego and all of its attachments), you naturally feel peaceful and joyful. 

Your true nature is peaceful and joyful. Peace and joy can be felt when you live your life from awareness, with a quiet mind, and when thoughts do come, to keep that peaceful and joyful feeling, only allow positive, uplifting thoughts into your consciousness. 

To Feel Better, Think Better.

If you focus on lack, you will get lack. If you focus on negative, you will get negative. If you focus on being grateful and compassionate, then there is no room for lack or self-pity. The more your thoughts are on being grateful and on having compassion for others, helping others, volunteering your time, being kind to others, the less you will be focused on what you perceive to be missing in your life, such as what you think you don’t have and that would make your life better, how your life would be better if you had this or that, or if you had a relationship with a particular person, your life would be better, you would be much happier, or what your idea of a perfect partner would be, what they would look like, if you only had that perfect relationship, how much happier your life would be. 

Be grateful that you are alive. Be grateful for your friends, for your family.

The primary thing that detracts from our peace and joy is our mind, our thoughts, our thought patterns and beliefs. Peace and joy is not about acquiring anything, adding to yourself, adding to your identity, to your status. It is about letting go of mental blocks, thought patterns and beliefs that create mental conflict.

If you have a mental barrier in your mind, that barrier becomes your reality also in the physical world. It prevents you from living a peaceful and joyful life. It prevents you from living your life to the fullest. The only way to break down your mental barriers is to become consciously aware of your thought processes, so that you can change them and release any destructive thoughts and beliefs you may have, and remind yourself to live from awareness, live in the present moment. If you are not used to doing this, the best way to start is by putting up notes around your house to remind you; because, when this is new to you, it is easy to forget about the present moment and be stuck someplace else in your mind, dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, thinking negative thoughts, etc.

Check out an excellent article on 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking: Avoid cognitive distortions that may skew the perception of your self, your relationships and your world.

By Pamela J. Wells

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved

To Feel Better Think Better

Image Background - Sunflower by Larisa Koshkina

Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Love & Hate Cannot Coexist

By Pamela J. Wells

Image Copyright: Pansy by Petr Kratochvi

Hate shadows the heart. And where does hate come from? Notions! Faulty and false ideas and beliefs that create a wedge between you and others. Love comes from the heart, not the head. The head says, “I love you and you and you, but not you, or you, or you, because of this, that, and the other notions I have in my head.” That’s not how the heart works. That’s not how love works.

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Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved 

Feel free to add a comment, if there is anything that you would like to add or any experiences that you would care to share.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Negative Behavior Consumes You

By Pamela J. Wells
Talking bad about others does not make your life better.

Negative energy consumes you—negative thoughts, speech, action. When you find yourself doing negative things, such as condemning, making fun of, belittling, judging, and gossiping about others, this is a sign that you need to go within. The delusional mind falsely believes that if it can knock others down, beneath it, it will be more superior, worthy, special, that it will fill that emptiness that is inside. Feelings of inadequacy are the driving force behind this kind of behavior—not feeling good enough, worthy, accepted. Building up the ego becomes the goal; however, the ego is your imagination of your idea of who you think you are, which many times people believe is their status in society, their job title, their educational level, who they know, how much they know, and how well they can outwit or outsmart others. Ego = separation, so if your goal is to separate yourself from others, continue on with your negative behavior. The way you treat others is a reflection of the way that you feel about yourself. People who are kind, loving, and giving—who are selfless—are happy and filled with joy and peace. People who are suffering inside, miserable, and unhappy are like a wounded animal, their only way of interacting in the world is through their suffering by way of negative behavior projected outwards, always attacking others or defending themselves and their negative behavior—justifying it. Some may even feel guilt over it, but do not even know what they are doing or why they are doing it, which keeps the vicious cycle going. They cannot comprehend it and maybe they do not even try to. All they know is that they are miserable and unhappy.
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.” 
~ Dalai Lama

If negative behavior is directed towards you and you engage it, you respond to it with negative behavior, attacking or defending, you are adding to that negative energy and, ultimately, to a worse outcome. That negative energy attracts more negative energy and more misery and unhappiness into your life. It is better to stay grounded, positive, calm, and peaceful in the midst of another’s negative behavior. You will do more to improve the situation or at least not make it worse by staying grounded, positive, even neutral, not reacting, and in some cases, you may find you need to remove yourself from the situation to help sustain or return to your calm and peaceful state; especially, if you are new to handling negative situations in this way. 

Remember, you cannot control or change another person’s behavior. Once you accept that, you will then be able to focus on going within and sustaining your peace, your joy. If you are new to this, an easy way to stay peaceful or return to a peaceful state, when you find yourself getting stressed out, is by remembering to focus on your breath: breathe-in and breathe-out, relax naturally. Stay focused on your in-breath and your out-breath for however long you need to, until you return to your peaceful, calm state. When thoughts popup to distract you, keep returning to your in-breath and your out-breath. The more that you do this, the easier it becomes.  

Negative behavior can only consume you if you let it. By examining your thoughts on a regular basis and dropping the negative and destructive thoughts and beliefs and remaining calm when negativity is projected at you or near you, you will begin to change your life to a more peaceful and joyful one, and at the same time, you will also have a positive impact on others’ lives as well.  
Copyright © 2013 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved
Image licensed under
Feel free to add a comment, if there is anything that you would like to add or any experiences that you would care to share.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Peace Quote

You cannot think your way to peace. You need only to silence your mind.

~ Pamela J. Wells

Image Source: Walking On The Beach by Vera Kratochvil on